The “European Society of Engineers and Industrialists” – SEII – was created in 2004 with the aim of taking over and continuing the activities of the “Royal Belgian Society of Engineers and Industrialists” – SRBII – which, founded in 1885 by a group of Belgian engineers inspired by the Society of Civil Engineers of France, had to cease its activities at the end of 2003.
A small number of former administrators or active members of the SRBII then decided to found the SEII, remaining faithful to the spirit which had presided over its conduct, while adapting it to the European environment of the world of industry and engineers.
The economic and social growth of the developed countries has only been made possible thanks to the relentless progress of science and technology.
Engineers and manufacturers play an essential role in this.
Such a process must continue in a sustainable way in order to avoid an irreversible deterioration of our living conditions.
In Europe, misconceptions circulate and reduce the attractiveness of engineering professions.
As a result, the industry is faced with a glaring lack of engineers.
Both students and young engineers need information and support regarding their career prospects.
In accordance with the law on non-profit organizations, the SEII is managed by its Board of Directors. It meets at least once a year and must report on its management to the General Assembly of SEII members.
The SEII Board of Directors has delegated its day-to-day management to an Executive Board, whose members – mostly some of its directors – have been appointed by it. This Executive Bureau meets as often as necessary.
List of Directors and Board members : Download
Statutes of the SEII (in french) : Download